
Friday, January 20, 2012

Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI)

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in the Village Cibeureum belokasi Cisarua District, is a recreational vehicle that is quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects found in the area that collects many different kinds of these animals, among them, safari park, bird park, animal education show, prmates & Reptiles, babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari tracks, caravans & hotels and wild-wild west.
To probe the latter, is an attractive vehicle for the witness. The show was performed in an arena that gives a chance cowboy, a cowboy with a dazzling attractions. This show can be watched for free every day, for about 15 minutes. In addition to rides, there are other interesting rides again, as in baby zoo, on this vehicle you can take pictures with the white tigers, leopards, orang-utans and others.

TSI has recently launched a probe and a new program, namely Elephant Adventure. The program invites visitors to ride on the backs of elephants around the area of ​​TSI for nearly an hour at a rate of only 50 thousand per person each way. Every elephants accompanied by the handler and can be boarded four adults.

The elephant will pass through a grassy road, and passing water flow so that visitors can really enjoy the scenery on the TSI.

Wild-Wild West

During this time you may often see the attraction of a cowboy in a movie on television. Chases, shooting each other and the argument is interesting and certainly a spectacle to entertainment at home. 

But have you ever seen a cowboy's attractions directly? if you want to see it, you do not need all the way to their home countries in America there, but enough to Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in Cisarua, Bogor.

In the TSI you can watch it on a Wild-Wild West rides in the back of the TSI. To see the show, the manager of TSI does not charge, or free. You simply pay the ticket at the front gate entrance sign TSI.

Cowboy show is held every day at two o'clock. The audience is provided a seat in the stands with a semicircular setting. So all the performances can be seen clearly from above the stands.Ringkihan sound horses, guns and dynamite the cowboys, as if being so close, because the effect of the sound system installed.

Yes, that's how TSI presents interesting show to his guests. If you are interested, please come to the TSI.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Zoological Museum

When you walk into the city of Bogor, stop for a moment to the Museum of Zoology in the street Ir. H. No. Juanda. 9. Here you will find a diverse collection of fauna that are preserved. Many of the knowledge gained, if we went to the museum which initially serves as the Laboratory of Zoology to provide a forum research related to agriculture and animal pests. 
You will be amazed with the collection of millions of specimens consisting of tens of thousands of species of fauna of different types. Among 650 species of mammals (nursing), 1100 species of birds that come various regions in Indonesia, 600 species of reptiles and fish, mollusks which consists of 2300 species, 10,000 species of insects and 700 species of Invertebrate other.
According to the history of the founding of the museum is the brainchild of Dr. JC Koningsberger, he was a botanist who was visiting the city of Bogor in August 1894. It was then that the extent of 402m2 museum was built to complete the end of August 1901, and then when it was named Landbouw Zoologisch Museum.
Then in 1906 the name changed to Zoologisch Museum. Four years later the name was changed back into Zoologisch museum en Laboratory. Having not had time to develop because of political upheaval in the world of the Japanese colonial period, then the museum was renamed again to the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense in between the years 1945-1947. Until now, the name continued in use, then often called Bogor Zoological Museum.
In addition to displaying a collection of fauna is preserved, the museum has also become a major institution that includes the study of zoology. Even the museum since August 1997 under the auspices of Research Center for Biology-LIPI it already has in Cibinong Widyasatwaloka Building, which is a building for animal research.
Currently the Museum of Zoology is often visited by the school, because what is displayed in this museum has a value of knowledge that is useful to increase knowledge. But that does not mean the general public can not visit, you are with the family can go there. So there is no harm if the family invites you to travel knowledge by visiting the Museum of Zoology, itung-itung to increase knowledge.

Kebun Raya Bogor

Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB)

Already been to the Kebun Raya Bogor? If not, you should immediately schedule to visit historic places and has a collection of rare plants.  Kebun Raya Bogor  (KRB) is a good place to meet the needs of education and recreation all in one place.There were also libraries, museums animals, collection of Orchid garden, the Presidential Palace and the central research and development biology, as well as a collection of thousands of species of tropical plants are grouped according to type, for example a family of palm, bamboo, or ginger which account for about 60 tree species and also old trees.Not only are there a large plant in KRB, but the trees are small and medium with beautiful flowers were there.

There were also a famous flower rafllesia Arnoldy as the corpse flower, there is also fragnant frangipani flowers whose roots are always out of the ground as well as Java lily which is endangered. No less interesting is the presence of large old trees used as bat houses hanging. We can also see squirrels jumping from one tree to another.

Meanwhile, around Bogor Palace, visitors can feel the shade of a row of trees that shade Walnuts, because it was, botanical gardens are part of the courtyard. Although now separated into two places, but visitors can still see the Bogor Palace.Near the street there are Astrid crop of black, red and yellow colors deliberately planted to impress the Belgian flag, in honor of Queen Astrid who came to inaugurate the park are pending in 1928.

Then, not far from the lake there are two statues that is a duplicate of the statue is in Copenhagen and Stockholm, namely Mermaid Statue and Sculpture Hand of God, and the monument to Lady Raffles, wife of Governor General Sir Stamford Raffles Raffles whose real name is Olivia, known as the Mother State of Java.
KRB's oldest tree is a tree Lychee from China. Planted near the lake KRB in 1823 and remained there until now. There is also a tree called the King of Borneo and the like that because the king of Borneo like to collect these plants to attract honey bees taken.KRB is approximately 63 km from Jakarta. Visitors from Jakarta can use the bus to the Terminal Station Baranangsiang or train to Bogor. But for those of you who drive private cars can go through Jagorawi toll road toward the city of Bogor, Bogor so exit toll gate, past the terminal baranangsiang, then at Pajajaran highway

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