
Friday, December 23, 2011

Waigeo Island

Observing Waigeo Island Biodiversity

Biodiversity in Indonesia will not be discharged explored. To trace the diversity of animals and plants in Papua, especially in the island Waigeo, Raja Ampat is like finding a lost world. In just briefly, we can find species of animals that we have never found in other areas. Fitch black spots that eventually I know Latin name Phalanger rufoniger proved to be one of the endemic species Waigeo Island, in addition to other types of couscous.
As fitch fitch brown, gray cuscus, cuscus cuscus spotty hair and plain silk. That is, we will not encounter in other areas except by forced displacement by humans.
From the data that I read, in Waigeo there is at least 66 individuals of 28 species of birds. Of that total, seven species are endemic to the island of Waigeo. For mammals, as many as 124 species have been collected. Or 13.8% of the total species of mammals in Papua.
An interesting fact for me because the island is relatively small and is far from the mainland of New Guinea there are many endemic species. If only I had the opportunity to visit Waigeo longer. If we stand at the end of the pier in the afternoon and observe the direction of the island, we will be able to see clearly the birds at play among the big trees in the middle of the island.The types of crooked beak like a parrot old and older are most often we see.
There was also a big part of the type species of birds such as hornbills and other fruit-eating birds. Of the many species of birds that live in Waigeo, that most intrigued me is a typical island paradise Waigeo, Wilson's bird of paradise (cicinnurus respublica). Small-sized to 21 cm only. Male birds are red and black with yellow robes in the neck, half green, blue legs and two purple tail feathers. While the brownish female birds with a blue crown. Ah, unfortunately, during our brief visit we never had the opportunity to see the bird's paradise.
Forest behind the resort where we stayed was quite dense. still possible for me to see the original life panghuni forest islands.Several types of lizards and small lizards easily met. Varanus Salvadori is one that I met in the backyard resort. Lizard with a length of nearly a meter that is cool to scrape-orek organic waste woods to find food. Salvadori my knowledge this type of monitor lizards can reach lengths of 2.5 meters.
The spread of this type of monitor lizard is in the Bird's Head and the Raja Ampat Islands, Fakfak and Kaimana, New Guinea to the south. This beautiful patterned lizard used to eat small mammals, eggs, birds and other lizards of the smaller species.
According to CITES, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, Salvadori included in Appendix II, a rare and protected species are prohibited to be kept or traded.Unfortunately, public ignorance, there are still many illegal arrests to be taken of his skin. In addition, there are many violations of trade of endangered species to be exported to foreign countries.It is very unfortunate.
Observing the life of animals in their habitats is a direct pleasure for me. And Island Waigeo gave me a new look at their life experiences.

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