
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mount Mahawu

Mount Mahawu Tours

Mount Mahawu located in District Tomohon, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi, with an altitude of 1300 masl and is a mountain that often erupt. Like the mountain - another mountain, along the slopes of Mahawu contained residential areas, forests and some areas of paddy fields. Mahawu have the proper name of another, namely Mahawoe or Roemengas. Mount Mahawu erupted first time in recorded history in 1789, after it erupted several times and the last in 1999.


Not recommended for travel to the top Mahawu especially in large quantities, more than five people. This is because at the top Mahawu land for camping is very narrow, even a seat for beristirahatpun not freely and directly related to the crater rim.Another reason, suggested not make the climb to the crater Mahawu because high concentrations of sulfur gases. If the visitor in a tired condition then inhaling sulfur gas can cause dizziness and nausea.
Mountain climbers who are not only enjoying the beautiful scenery around Mahawu. But more than that, its beauty and charm of a protected forest in this mountain region also adds its own charm.Protected forest areas is limited to this area until the area slopes to the summit Mahawu. These forest heights ranging from 600 m to 1200 m above sea level.

Mahawu adjoining mountain very close to Mount Lokon as geological sights. Nice to take advantage of the region around Lokon as an alternative trip. So also witnessed the clove farmers, coffee, cocoa, vegetables - vegetables, and fruit - fruit that is produced by many residents in the vicinity of Mount Mahawu this.

Mount Mahawu within 25 km from the city of Manado. To get there, we can use public transportation facilities or car charter to the city of Manado District Tomohon via a paved road that has been smooth. From Tomohon, we need to go to Observation Post Mahawu and Lokon volcano in Kakaskasen. If you want to reach the top of Kakaskasen Mahawu, we can use public transport to the nearby village of Rurukan. Next, walk through the path taken to the top Mahawu within one to two hours.

1 comment:

Pacet Rafting said...

bolehkah kami ikut mengkopi tulisan ini?

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