
Thursday, December 15, 2011


Wakatobi National Park

Wakatobi National Park has the potential of marine natural resources that both types of high value and uniqueness, with stunning panoramic underwater. In general, the waters of the sea has a configuration of the starting level to sloping towards the sea, and some areas of the waters there is a steep bertubir.Varying water depths, the deepest reaches 1044 meters with a bottom mostly sandy and rocky.
This national park has 25 pieces of coral reef with a circumference of the coast of the islands along the 600 km. More than 112 species from 13 families including corals Acropora formosa, A. hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, throchelliophorum Sarcophyton, and Sinularia spp.

Fish species richness of this national park is owned as many as 93 species of food fish and ornamental fish trade among argus spots (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (naso unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus ), rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus), Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others.
In addition there are several types of sea birds such as geese-stone brown (Sula leucogaster plotus), kettle melayu (Charadrius peronii), erasia kingfisher (Alcedo atthis); also there are three types of turtles that often landed on islands in the Park ishawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), crock turtle (Caretta Caretta), and fission turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).

The indigenous people who live around the Park is the tribe or the so-called sea Bajau tribe. According to ancient Chinese and European explorers, said that human beings are capable of being boating explore Merqui Islands, Johor, Singapore, Sulawesi and the Sulu archipelago. Of the whole human boating in Southeast Asia that still have traditional boating culture is the Bajau tribe. Seeing their daily lives is interesting and unique, especially dives to the bottom of the ocean without the equipment to spear fish.
Hoga Island (Resort Kaledupa), Island Binongko (Resort Binongko) Tamia and Resort is the location of interesting places to visit, especially for diving, snorkeling, marine tours, swimming, camping, and cultural tourism.


The best visiting season: April / June and October / December each year.
How to reach the location: Turkey to the smells of speed boat with regular twice daily with a long trip or five hours every day with a timber ship for 12 hours. From the smells to Lasalimu ride four-wheelers for two hours, then climb aboard the fast-Wanci Lasalimu for an hour or Lasalimu-Wanci wooden boat for 2.5 hours. Wanci is the first gate into the Wakatobi National Park area.

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