
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Natural scenic beauty such as coral reefs, seagrass, and seagrass beds with diverse marine life, mangrove forest, mountain and lowland tropical forest remaining, all in an unspoiled stretch of islands making Karimunjawa as a Marine National Park. The islands are administratively a district of Jepara district, located about 45 miles northwest of Jepara. The total area is 107 225 ha of territorial Karimunjawa, most of the sea (100 105 ha), land area alone is 7120 ha. This area is influenced by a tropical sea breeze blowing all day with an average temperature of 26 sd 30 degrees Celsius, with a minimum temperature of 22 degrees Celsius and a maximum temperature of 34 degrees Celsius.

Wealth of flora and fauna makes it so fascinating Karimunjawa.This area has some kind of flora ecosystems, ie coral reefs, mangrove forests (seagrass beds), coastal forests, and lowland forests. On the other hand, was varied fauna such as deer and long-tailed macaques and aquatic fauna that consists of 242 species of 133 genera of ornamental fish and aquatic. Moreover, in this location there is also a rare species of fauna on the island berhabitat Geleang Bird and islands, such as the sea eagle and white chest and two species of turtle, the hawksbill and green turtles.
Legend Nyamplungan

Karimun name according to local folklore can not be separated from the figure sunan Nyamplung, whose real name Syech Amir Hasan, son of Sunan Muria. Since childhood, he lived pampered so that when growing up, he was likely to misbehave. Sunan Muria was trying to educate his son in order to get better, but always failed. Finally, Sunan Muria entrust his son to the Holy Sunan, in hopes of getting better. Under the guidance of the Holy sunan, Amir Hasan has become a better person and obedient, so she returned to her family. But once reunited with his family, Amir Hasan behavior returned to normal. Sunan Muria was concerned, and finally ordered his son to come down the mountain Moriah, and practice the science of religion on the island who seem "kremun-kremun" (not clear) when viewed from Mount Moriah. Sunan Muria and Amir Hasan also said that should not be returned to the island of Java before the job is complete. Armed with 2 pieces Nyamplung seeds to be planted on the island destination, and mustaka mosque (to date still in the tomb of Sunan Nyamplungan complex), and accompanied by two men servants, Amir Hasan was finally starts its journey. Once up and find a suitable place to live, Amir Hasan and then plant the seeds 2 pieces Nyamplung brought from the island of Java.Plants that grow from the seed Nyamplung is now known as Nyamplung tree, and its location was named hamlet Nymplung.


Karimunjawa islanders consisted of several tribes that have their own identity as a distinctive form of custom homes. The tribes that inhabit the islands Karimunjawa are Javanese, Bugis Makassar, and Madura. Many Javanese people living in the hamlet of Karimun, Legon Lele hamlet, hamlet Nyamplungan, and hamlet Mrican. Most of the Javanese people's livelihood is farming and make home industries, such as red brick and palm oil. Most of the Makasar Bugis community residing on the island Kemujan, Batu Lawang hamlet, hamlet Legon Gede, and hamlet Tlogo. Bugis society known as an accomplished sailor, therefore the majority of people work as fishermen. In addition, woven sarongs Bugis is also another peculiarity of the Bugis people.Almost equal to the Bugis, Madurese were mostly fishermen. In addition, they also have the ability to make dried fish as a home industry.

Tourism Facilities

Travel Attractions:
With a beautiful natural and relatively pristine, Karimunjawa offers tourist attraction
beautiful nature, the marine tourism and adventure tourism.Besides the beautiful nature, a multiethnic population Karimunjawa make this region also interesting to note erbagai unique culture and traditions. Marine tourism offers a variety of tourist activities and sports-related nature Karimunjawa islands.Some tours and sports activities that can be done in this area are as follows.

- Diving
This can be done in the north and west of the island Karimunjawa, east of Menjangan Besar island, around the island of Menjangan Small, south and west of the island Geleang, Bengkoang west of the island, west of the island machetes, east of the island Twins, Katang around the island, next to north and east of the island Krakal Small and west of the island beetles.

- Snorkling
This activity can be done at Menjangan island Menjangan Besar and Small, Bengkoang west of the island, around the island Twins, north and east of the island Krakal Small.

- Fishing
Fishing can be done around the island of Menjangan Large and Small, Menyawakan Island, Middle Island, the island Kemujan, Parang island, around the twin islands, and west of the island Bengkoang.

- Swim
Locations that can be used to perform these activities, among others, to the east and south of the island Karimunjawa, southern and western parts of the island of Menjangan Minor, the western part of Middle Island, about Parang island, island Twins, and the island of beetles.

- Sun
Almost all the beaches in the archipelago of white sandy Karimunjawa with a long coastline. This condition causes the coastal areas into areas suitable for sunbathing activities (sunbathing), play sand, and see the beauty of the sunset or sunrise.

- Exploring the sea
For those who can not swim and dive, provided the vessel is equipped with a glass on the bottom (glass bottom boat) to see the beauty of the underwater Karimunjawa.

- See saltwater aquariums
On the island of Menjangan Besar area there that has a sea water aquarium facilities. Here, we can enjoy the beauty of ornamental fish and sharks as well as the lives of other fish with a nuance that can not be found elsewhere.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Krakatau Volcano Tour History

Krakatau is a volcanic island that is still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name was never pinned on a volcanic peak in there that, because of the eruption on 26-27 August 1883, then vanished. The explosion is very powerful and the resulting tsunami killed about 36,000 people.Until the date of December 26, 2004, this is a terdahsyat tsunami in the Indian Ocean region. Explosion sound was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. Yield is estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bomb that was detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
The eruption of Krakatau caused global climate change. The world was dark for two and a half days due to volcanic ash that covered the atmosphere. The sun shines dim until next year.Scattering dust visible in the sky Norway to New York.
Ancient Volcano Krakatau 
Looking at the region of Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait, experts estimate that in ancient times there is a huge mountain in the Sunda Strait which eventually erupted leaving a massive caldera (large crater) called Ancient Krakatau, which is the parent of Mount Krakatau erupted in 1883. The mountain is composed of andesitic rocks.
Ancient Krakatau erupted with very great, which caused a great explosion, three-quarters were destroyed leaving the body Ancient Krakatau caldera (large crater) in the Sunda Strait. The sides or edges of the crater known as Rakata Island, Long Island and Island Sertung, in another record called Pulau Rakata, Rakata Island and Small Island Sertung.
Ancient Krakatau explosion is expected to last for 10 days at an estimated speed of regurgitated mass reaches 1 million tons per second. The blast shield has formed a thick atmosphere of 20-150 meters, lowering the temperature of 5-10 degrees for 10-20 years.
The emergence of Mount KrakatauRakata island, which is one of the three remaining islands of Krakatoa then grow according to the Ancient volcanic impulse from deep within the earth, known as Mount Krakatau (or Mount Rakata) made of basaltic rock. Then, the two emerged from the volcano crater, named Danan Mountain and Mount Perbuwatan which then merges with Mount Rakata came first. The third union volcano is called Mount Krakatau.
Krakatau erupted and there was also the day Monday, August 27, 1883, promptly at 10:20. Noted that the explosion was the biggest, loudest and most devastating volcanic event in modern human history. Eruptions voice heard until 4600 km from the center of the eruption and can even be heard by a 1/8 of the population of the earth at that time.
Krakatau explosion had thrown stones, pumice and volcanic ash with a volume of 18 cubic kilometers. Vulkaniknya bursts of dust at 80 km. Hard objects that flew into the air it falls on the plains of Java and Sumatra, even to Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand.
The eruption destroyed Danan Mountain, Mount Gunung Rakata Perbuwatan and some where a half cone is missing, create a basin-wide and 7 km deep as 250 meters. Waves reached as high as 40 meters destroying villages and whatever is on the coast. The tsunami was caused not only because of the eruption, but also the underwater landslide.
Recorded the death toll reached 36 417 people from 295 coastal villages from Merak (Serang) to cilamaya in Karachi, the Cape west coast of Banten to display on the island of Panaitan (Ujung Kulon and southern Sumatra. In Ujungkulon, incoming flood of up to 15 km to the west. next day until a few days later, residents of Jakarta and Lampung outback no longer see the sun. Tsunami waves generated even climbing up to the coast of Hawaii, Central America and the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula seven thousand kilometers away.
Anak KrakatauBegan in 1927 or about 40 years after the eruption of Mount Krakatoa, a volcano that emerged known as Anak Krakatau caldera of the ancient region that is still active and still growing in height. The cause of the high mountain was caused by the material that comes out of the new mountain belly. Anak Krakatau current altitude reaches about 230 meters above sea level, while the height of Mount Krakatau previous 813 meters above sea level.
Anak Krakatau is at the regional tourist destination due to very active and relatively safe although there is often a small eruption, there are only certain times of the tourists are prohibited from approaching the area because of the danger that spewed lava volcano.

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