
Friday, January 20, 2012

Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI)

Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in the Village Cibeureum belokasi Cisarua District, is a recreational vehicle that is quite interesting to visit. Many interesting objects found in the area that collects many different kinds of these animals, among them, safari park, bird park, animal education show, prmates & Reptiles, babby zoo, Ferris wheel, elephant and horse riding, safari tracks, caravans & hotels and wild-wild west.
To probe the latter, is an attractive vehicle for the witness. The show was performed in an arena that gives a chance cowboy, a cowboy with a dazzling attractions. This show can be watched for free every day, for about 15 minutes. In addition to rides, there are other interesting rides again, as in baby zoo, on this vehicle you can take pictures with the white tigers, leopards, orang-utans and others.

TSI has recently launched a probe and a new program, namely Elephant Adventure. The program invites visitors to ride on the backs of elephants around the area of ​​TSI for nearly an hour at a rate of only 50 thousand per person each way. Every elephants accompanied by the handler and can be boarded four adults.

The elephant will pass through a grassy road, and passing water flow so that visitors can really enjoy the scenery on the TSI.

Wild-Wild West

During this time you may often see the attraction of a cowboy in a movie on television. Chases, shooting each other and the argument is interesting and certainly a spectacle to entertainment at home. 

But have you ever seen a cowboy's attractions directly? if you want to see it, you do not need all the way to their home countries in America there, but enough to Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) in Cisarua, Bogor.

In the TSI you can watch it on a Wild-Wild West rides in the back of the TSI. To see the show, the manager of TSI does not charge, or free. You simply pay the ticket at the front gate entrance sign TSI.

Cowboy show is held every day at two o'clock. The audience is provided a seat in the stands with a semicircular setting. So all the performances can be seen clearly from above the stands.Ringkihan sound horses, guns and dynamite the cowboys, as if being so close, because the effect of the sound system installed.

Yes, that's how TSI presents interesting show to his guests. If you are interested, please come to the TSI.

1 comment:

Diving in Timor Leste (East Timor) said...

saya pernah sekali ke Taman safari.. tempatnya sangat menyenangkan... SALAM

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