
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Losari Beach

Losari Beach Tours

Losari is an icon of Makassar. First, the long beach is approximately one mile was once dubbed the beach with the world's longest table, because the tent stalls lined the shore embankment. Now, these stalls have been relocated to a place not far from the tourist area. Makassar Municipal Government to beautify the beach this has to make the pavilion area of ​​100 thousand square meters, making it seem more beautiful, clean, pollution-free and comfortable to visit. 
Losari has a unique and fascinating features. Uniqueness is one of the visitors can witness the sunrise and sunset in a similar position. The specialty of these attractions are the visitors can enjoy the beautiful waves that break down the dike beach and coolness "Mamiri wind" blowing breeze, watching the seconds in full sun over the horizon, ie ranging from discoloration to shift its position until completely disappeared from view.The visitors can also enjoy a wide variety of fresh seafood. To the south of the bridge Losari, there is a cafe and a floating restaurant that uses traditional boat Bugis-Makassar "Phinisi" with varied menu, such as cooking stingrays, squid and lobster with prices ranging between £ 7,500 - up to £ 25,000, - per serving. In addition, the pengungjung can sample a variety of typical food of Makassar, such as bananas epek, pallu butung, green bananas, coto Makassar, soup konro, and others. Another specialty is the visitors can access the internet free of charge via the hot spots along Losari.

Losari located right in the heart of the city of Makassar, namely on the Road Comforter, which is located to the west of the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Losari very strategic layout, making it easy to access. From Sukarno Hatta Makassar port, the beach can be reached about 15 minutes by car or motorcycle. If departing from Hasanuddin Airport, can be taken approximately 45 minutes by car or motorcycle.
Accommodation and Facilities

Around attractions are available various types of vehicles, such as: buses, taxis, and rickshaws are available to take visitors around to enjoy the atmosphere of Makassar. Along the way Comforter is also available lodging facilities ranging from guesthouses to five-star hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, coffee shops, and various other entertainment venues, and all of them overlooking the sea. Somba Opu On the road, not far from the tourist attraction, there are shopping malls and souvenir craft gold Makassar.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Batanta Island

Batanta Island Tours

Batanta Island is one of the four largest islands in the RajaAmpat. What's interesting about this island is a wealth of marinehabitat that is extraordinary. This makes Batanta as dive sitesvisited by many divers from around the world. The most excitingdive sites in Batanta Wai Island is where you can dive in a planewreck from World War II. This location is also famous for thepresence of large stingrays and abundant in number. Fornon-diving activities you can do bird watching in KampungWailebet Papuans.
On the island there are also Batanta waterfalls, this waterfall has a height of about 10 meters.
Behind the waterfall, there is a small cave. Cave was able toaccommodate about five people. Inside this cave can sit and see the view from behind a curtain of water. If lucky, sometimes it can look very beautiful rainbow

Salawati Island

Salawati Island Tours

Salawati is one of the four main islands in the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua Province, Indonesia. This island has an area of ​​1623 km ². 
not so many people know about this island because of the location of the island is located between the hundreds of islandsthat exist in Raja Ampat.
But behind the difficulty of the location, stored natural wealth is extraordinarily beautiful.
Indonesia is heaven on earth.

Misool Island

Misool Beautiful Paradise Island in the Raja Ampat

It seems Papua never run out for crawling. In addition to mineraland forest wealth, beautiful places in the Eastern region inIndonesia this store a number of 'paradise' that is still hidden.
One of them is that we can enjoy Misool Island in Raja Ampat.Misool Island near the town of Sorong, West Papua. This islandis one of the most beautiful in the area of ​​Raja Ampat. Its territoryis divided into two parts, Misool Misool the South East and West,was located adjacent to the Ceram Sea.
This area has a diversity of cultures, customs, sea and land that is so famous in the world. Misool including the world's coraltriangle region. Dozens of fish were found here, or at least about75% in the sea.
This is an area vast seas, as well as a pathway important forpassing whales and octopus. According to information from local residents, octopus commonly seen at night while the whalesduring the day.
Do not be surprised if you'll find a large marine animals otherMisool Island that may have been categorized as extinct in the world.

Waigeo Island

Observing Waigeo Island Biodiversity

Biodiversity in Indonesia will not be discharged explored. To trace the diversity of animals and plants in Papua, especially in the island Waigeo, Raja Ampat is like finding a lost world. In just briefly, we can find species of animals that we have never found in other areas. Fitch black spots that eventually I know Latin name Phalanger rufoniger proved to be one of the endemic species Waigeo Island, in addition to other types of couscous.
As fitch fitch brown, gray cuscus, cuscus cuscus spotty hair and plain silk. That is, we will not encounter in other areas except by forced displacement by humans.
From the data that I read, in Waigeo there is at least 66 individuals of 28 species of birds. Of that total, seven species are endemic to the island of Waigeo. For mammals, as many as 124 species have been collected. Or 13.8% of the total species of mammals in Papua.
An interesting fact for me because the island is relatively small and is far from the mainland of New Guinea there are many endemic species. If only I had the opportunity to visit Waigeo longer. If we stand at the end of the pier in the afternoon and observe the direction of the island, we will be able to see clearly the birds at play among the big trees in the middle of the island.The types of crooked beak like a parrot old and older are most often we see.
There was also a big part of the type species of birds such as hornbills and other fruit-eating birds. Of the many species of birds that live in Waigeo, that most intrigued me is a typical island paradise Waigeo, Wilson's bird of paradise (cicinnurus respublica). Small-sized to 21 cm only. Male birds are red and black with yellow robes in the neck, half green, blue legs and two purple tail feathers. While the brownish female birds with a blue crown. Ah, unfortunately, during our brief visit we never had the opportunity to see the bird's paradise.
Forest behind the resort where we stayed was quite dense. still possible for me to see the original life panghuni forest islands.Several types of lizards and small lizards easily met. Varanus Salvadori is one that I met in the backyard resort. Lizard with a length of nearly a meter that is cool to scrape-orek organic waste woods to find food. Salvadori my knowledge this type of monitor lizards can reach lengths of 2.5 meters.
The spread of this type of monitor lizard is in the Bird's Head and the Raja Ampat Islands, Fakfak and Kaimana, New Guinea to the south. This beautiful patterned lizard used to eat small mammals, eggs, birds and other lizards of the smaller species.
According to CITES, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, Salvadori included in Appendix II, a rare and protected species are prohibited to be kept or traded.Unfortunately, public ignorance, there are still many illegal arrests to be taken of his skin. In addition, there are many violations of trade of endangered species to be exported to foreign countries.It is very unfortunate.
Observing the life of animals in their habitats is a direct pleasure for me. And Island Waigeo gave me a new look at their life experiences.

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Islands

The archipelago is a series of four adjacent islands located in the western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) New Guinea.Administratively, this group is under the Raja Ampat regency, West Papua Province. The islands are now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. The four islands that became members named by the four largest islands, namely  Waigeo Island, Misool Island, Salawati Island, and Island Batanta.
The origins and history

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat according to local myth comes from a woman who found seven eggs. Four grains of which hatch into four princes who are separated and each became king ruling in Waigeo, Salawati, Misool Misool East and West. Meanwhile, the other three eggs into a ghost, a woman, and a stone.In the course of history, Raja Ampat region has long been inhabited by the nobles and implement a custom system Moluccas. In this system, skumpulan human society. Each village was led by a king. Since its establishment five Muslim sultanates in the Moluccas, Raja Ampat become part of the Sultanate of Tidore claims. After the defeat of the Dutch Tidore Sultanate, Raja Ampat Islands became part of the Dutch East Indies claims.
The archipelago is generally the community of traditional fishermen who live in small villages are located far apart and different islands. They are a friendly community welcoming guests from outside, especially if we bring a gift for them in the form of nuts or candies. This product is a kind of 'peace pipes indian' in Raja Ampat. The event chatting with eating nut is also called "Para-para Pinang" often take turns throwing each other mob, the local term for funny stories.They are Muslims and Christians, and often within a family or clan members who have embraced one of the two religions. It makes people stay in harmony even though Raja Ampat different beliefs.

Wealth of natural resources

The archipelago is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially diving tourism. Waters of Raja Ampat Islands, according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.Dr. John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site it is revealed, the Raja Ampat Islands are located at the westernmost tip of New Guinea, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, has the best reef areas in Indonesia.Approximately 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in the area. 
Unique species that can be found at the time of diving is some kind of dwarf seahorses, wobbegong, Manta and stingrays.There is also endemic fish Raja Ampat, namely Eviota king, which is a kind of fish gobbie. At Manta Point supernal Arborek Dampier strait, you can dive in the company of some tail Manta Ray is benign like when you dive in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan. If you dive at Cape Kri or Chicken Reef, you can be surrounded by thousands of fish. Sometimes a collection of tuna, giant trevallies and snappers. But those tense when we are surrounded by a collection of barracuda fish, although in fact it's relatively harmless (dangerous if we see barracudas solitary or alone). Reef sharks are also frequently seen, and with luck you can also see the turtle is still eating sponge or swim around you.In some places like in Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo also seen Dugong or sea cow.Because the area of ​​many islands and narrow straits, then most of the dive at a certain time has strong currents. It allows also to perform a drift dive, dive, following a strong flow of water is very clear with her through the collection of fish.

Prehistoric and historical relics

In the region constellation Misool found prehistoric relics are given a hand stamp on the rock wall. Uniquely, hand labeling is located very close to sea level and not in the cave. According to estimates, the age cap is hand-stamped about 50,000 years and became part of a series of guide lines of human spread of the western archipelago to Papua and Melanesia.The rest of the plane wreck from World War II can be found in several places dives, like on the island of Wai. 

Visiting these islands is not too difficult although it takes considerable time and cost. We can use the airlines from Jakarta to Sorong via Menado for 6 hours of flight. From Sorong-town big enough and quite complete facilities for exploring the Raja Ampat, there are two options, take a tour by boat or stay at the resort pinisi Papua Diving. Although most tourists who come to the Raja Ampat today are the divers, the actual location is attractive also for non-diving tourists as it also has white sandy beaches are very beautiful group of islands nan stunning karst and endemic flora and fauna unique like paradise red, Cendrawasih Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids.

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