
Friday, October 21, 2011

Beach Geger Sawangan

Playing with the Waves Beach Geger Sawangan

Bali is a tourist paradise with a thousand beautiful

beache.Sawangan Geger Beach is one of the proof.This beach has a charming white sand, which when highlighted sun will shine like a pearl. What's interesting about this beach tourism in the availability of facilities for visitors who want to ride 
camels, typical of desert animals.

As we know that Camels are the mainstay of transportation in desert areas because these animals have the ability and endurance which is amazing. In Bali, there are several managers for 

camel safari or camel safari which was imported from Australia by a route along the beach Geger Sawangan with time approximately 1 hour. Adventure attraction is certainly going to be a very interesting experience and unforgettable.
The beauty of nature is
Which would be a major concern of this beach is its natural beauty unrivaled difficult. The atmosphere is also quiet and comfortable. Sawangan Geger Beach is also known as the 

beaches generate a lot of seaweed in Bali. The waves are calm and the water is blue color makes the beach look so calm and very reassuring.The activities are usually carried out by the tourists are swimming, sunbathing (his favorite of them Caucasian), or fishing if you like fishing. While the activities of people around the average livelihood as seaweed farmers so that would not be surprised if in the vicinity Beach Geger Sawangan many locations that serve as a place for 
cultivating and processing marine rumptu.Geger Sawangan own area so cleanly. Rarely there is garbage strewn or dirt because in addition to the number of merchants are not too many people around so obedient to not litter. The same is applied for every tourist who comes. Facilities available Geger Sawangan beach parking area is quite extensive, labor guides wiasata and stalls that provide food and drink for visitors.
Sawangan commotion Located in front of the Hotel Nikko Bali, Nusa Dua, or about 3 kilometers to the south of the region of Bali Tourism Development Center (BTDC) Nusa Dua.Jarak Geger Sawangan traveled to the coast is approximately 23 miles from the city of Denpasar and approximately 20 minutes when using a motor vehicle trips from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport.

Virgin Beach

Exotica Virgin Beach
Bali eyes of the tourists always show the face of the dominant  beach. One of them is located on the Prasi beach  Karangasem regency. These include coastal beaches that have not been muchexplored by many tourists. There are several names embeddable this beach from the White Sand Beach, Beach Prasi and Virgin Beach.

Exotica Virgin Beach is still Natural and Clean 

This beach is very fitting because it's called Virgin Beach atmosphere still quiet, safe, comfortable, and have not been touched by humans. The atmosphere is unspoiled by the waves are classified as moderate. This beach has clear water so it is suitable for swimming or snorkeling and sunbathing as well of course that is often done by tourists from abroad.The beauty of this 
coastal plain is extremely curved. Situated between two cliffs, so the beach is quite hidden, which is located behind the Mount Bugbug and cooperative. To reach it, visitors must travel a distance of about 100 meters from the highway. And road conditions are still not good infrastructure makes the challenge for a visit to the beach is quite steep.Ocean view here is incredible, there is a sensation in itself, sinceto reach the location field is quite difficult, but still traveled with four wheels, a condition that is still pure, reminiscent of the first time Dreamland Beach is known by tourists.Virgin beach conditions have natural conditions that are stillawake sustainability and not exploited by humans. The name "Virgin beach" rightly describes the geography and the beauty of this beach. It lies between two cliffs makes Virgin beaches rather difficult to find.

Virgin beaches or beach is located in the Village Prasi Prasi,including the district of Ubud, Bali. If taken from Denpasar Cityabout the time it takes about 2 hours.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Keramas Beach as Surfers Paradise

Kuramas Beach as Surfers Paradise

Keramas beach is the beach which is a paradise for tourists, especially thosewhose hobby is surfing funPopularity of the expected start since 2000 and since then the beach is a much visited by those whohave hobby extreme water sports (surfing).

Kuramas Beach

At first, this beach is named Kuramaswhich is caused by this beach used to be much visited by a swarm of turtles pulled toshore with the aim of laying. Maybe that's where ultimately the name of this beach was named Kuramas beach that can meanthe Golden TurtleBut over time, the beach is then renamed Keramas Beach because it is said a lot of golden monkeys whichalso stopped at this beach though until now the reality is still amystery alone.

What are the advantages of this beachAs usual charming atmosphere of the beautiful beach wrapped with natural beauty and lush paddy fields make anyone who comes will instantly fall in love making. Rows of palm trees lined along the road waving to the beach leaving only a mirage of beauty is not only heavenly,but it's really realTherefore, the beach is suitable for your firstvisit with the family.
The presence of many surfers on this beach was the main attractionYou can see the various maneuvers they do on the big waves that seemed to be drowning. Usually tourists in addition to surfingalso perform other activities such as swimming, sunbathingplaying in the sand gleamingor fishing.

Location Keramas Beach

The beach is located in the Keramas village, District Blahbatu,Gianyar, Bali. Where can be taken with a time of about 20-25minutes from the city of Gianyar which is only about 6 km course.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beach Petitenget

Waves crashing on the Beach Petitenget

Every beach in Bali rarely that do not have nearly perfect beauty.The beauty and exoticism that makes Bali's beaches are sofamous, not only in national level, but also worldwide. In fact,Indonesia's own popularity exceeds that in fact precisely Bali in it.Bali is full of exotic as well as historically, a place which is the giftof the gods.

One of the important Petitenget Beach on Bali is. By stretchingthe waves are enticing, covered by beautiful beaches forgottenthat it was hard, white sand beaches make this a favorite locationfor tourists. They were on average surfing enthusiasts love to come to this beach because it will be spoiled by the huge waves.

Calmness and naturalness on this beach would necessarilydescend when you come here. In contrast to Legian or Kutabeach is so crowded that it is difficult to maintain privacy,Petitenget Beach is very quiet and comfortable. In addition to theelegant beach, Petitenget Beach on the edge there is also a place that is considered sacred Pura Petitenget which often is also often used to perform worship.

The name

This beach is called the myths associated with Pura Petitenget inPetitenget beach is. It is said that once this area is an area thathaunted before the temple was built. According to a story in the ancient times there was a sage named Dang Hyang Nirarta.Before proceeding to Pura Uluwatu perjalanaan, Dang HyangNirarta drop in and meet with Batara Masceti, diesel-interruptedtalks seen black shadows that hide the bush after being called out was Bhuta Ijo. Finally Bhuta Ijo mandated and magic to keep the crate pecanangan (betel nut).

I was so loyal Bhuta Ijo every resident who came to this area tolook for firewood made ​​ill by Bhuta Ijo because they want to take the coffin pecananganFinally, so that supernatural beings are no longer interfere with or disturb the public tranquilitya place made​​sacred building for worship and named Pura PetitengetSince that time because it is located in one area of ​​the beach is alsocalled Petitenget Beach.

Location Petitenget
The beach in the village of Petitenget KerobokanNorth KutadistrictBadung regency.

Happy Visiting!

Purnama Beach

Purnama beach are as beautiful as the Full Moon

The beach is unique, exciting and a lot of fascinating its visitors.That beach Purnama which it is said, was why until called CoastPurnama because often many visitors who come when the moonarrives Purnama. Perhaps they are more interested in seeing the exotic and the panorama of this beach when the full moon came and looked clear on this beach.

Indeed Purnama Coast deserve to be your priority when astopover in Bali. The beauty and charm will attract anyone andamazed. Black sand bath crystals, have a big roll of the wavesand the sight of the green pesawahan vast stretches when he was on his way to this beach. From the picture of just how muchof this coast have an aura of beauty that is almost improbableillustrated with words.

Another charm of this beach is another setting still look natural and quiet so it is suitable for you who were honeymooners orwant to freely making love. Or in addition to those newly marriedor central romantic couple, many are also people who come tothis beach to enjoy a holiday with your family after so long stuck in the routine of work and other major cities are filled with thecomplexities of life, congestion, air pollution etc.

Some activities that can be done on the beach is like relaxing while enjoying the waves swirling, bejemur, playing in the sandbeach berkemilauan, surfing, or fishing. Purnama beach activitiesare also often used as a religious ceremony by local residentssuch as Melasti and Melarung. To keep the beach cleanPurnama always formed a partnership between karma subak,merchants who sell and the owner of the villa-villas around it.


Purnama beach is a beach located in Banjar Lumpang Telabah,Sukawati Village, District Sukawati, Gianyar regency. The distance is about 11 km from Denpasar City.

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