
Friday, October 21, 2011

Beach Geger Sawangan

Playing with the Waves Beach Geger Sawangan

Bali is a tourist paradise with a thousand beautiful

beache.Sawangan Geger Beach is one of the proof.This beach has a charming white sand, which when highlighted sun will shine like a pearl. What's interesting about this beach tourism in the availability of facilities for visitors who want to ride 
camels, typical of desert animals.

As we know that Camels are the mainstay of transportation in desert areas because these animals have the ability and endurance which is amazing. In Bali, there are several managers for 

camel safari or camel safari which was imported from Australia by a route along the beach Geger Sawangan with time approximately 1 hour. Adventure attraction is certainly going to be a very interesting experience and unforgettable.
The beauty of nature is
Which would be a major concern of this beach is its natural beauty unrivaled difficult. The atmosphere is also quiet and comfortable. Sawangan Geger Beach is also known as the 

beaches generate a lot of seaweed in Bali. The waves are calm and the water is blue color makes the beach look so calm and very reassuring.The activities are usually carried out by the tourists are swimming, sunbathing (his favorite of them Caucasian), or fishing if you like fishing. While the activities of people around the average livelihood as seaweed farmers so that would not be surprised if in the vicinity Beach Geger Sawangan many locations that serve as a place for 
cultivating and processing marine rumptu.Geger Sawangan own area so cleanly. Rarely there is garbage strewn or dirt because in addition to the number of merchants are not too many people around so obedient to not litter. The same is applied for every tourist who comes. Facilities available Geger Sawangan beach parking area is quite extensive, labor guides wiasata and stalls that provide food and drink for visitors.
Sawangan commotion Located in front of the Hotel Nikko Bali, Nusa Dua, or about 3 kilometers to the south of the region of Bali Tourism Development Center (BTDC) Nusa Dua.Jarak Geger Sawangan traveled to the coast is approximately 23 miles from the city of Denpasar and approximately 20 minutes when using a motor vehicle trips from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport.

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